Research & Analysis

Research is the first step towards drawing a roadmap of any project. GHF in research and development services offer support and customized research modules towards mapping the social foot print of projects. Research further builds the blueprint of project planning, project implementation, project monitoring and evaluation plans.

We provide research analysis in:

CSR & Sustainability Database

  • Mapping of Sustainability/CSR Programs.
  • Identifying potential areas of CSR intervention.
  • Conducting quantitative and qualitative research (primary and secondary research).
  • Mapping the foot prints of social and environmental activities impacting business.
  • Utilizing case study approach.

Best Practice Research

  • Customized research on Business Responsibility (BR).
  • Company research analysis specific to BR practices.
  • Competitor’s Analysis.
  • Specialized research for a specific company/ organization capturing Best Case Studies.
  • Releasing publications, manuals focusing on specific case studies of the companies.

Social Footprint

  • Mapping the foot prints of social and environmental activities that are impacting Business.
  • Analyzing the policies synergizing the environment, economic and social policies of the companies.
  • Focusing on labor, human rights and impacts on local communities.
  • Prioritization of issues and future visioning.
  • Involvement in the entrepreneurial dynamic and ethics of affairs.
  • Creation of sustainable commercial relations.
  • Collating client cases on shared value, sustaining development of competences, client relations, anticipation transformations, social cohesion.