Poor Infrastructure
- Only 6 out of 10 schools in the India have access to electricity.
- Only 65% have usable toilets.
- Only 69% of all school teachers have a graduate degree or more
Lack of Strong Curriculum & community support
- 53 % of students dropout before completing primary school.
- 40 out of 100 girls that enroll in rural school reaches grade four.
- Top five nation to have primary level children out of school.
No digital learning
- Internet penetration is just 19%.
- Rise of almost 65% cyber related crime since 2014.
- Children are the most vulenrabel category to digital learning.
Absence of life skills
- Lack of proper infrastructure, poor curriculum and larger emphasis on theoritical learning, limits opportunities for children to learn.
- 92% teachers feel absence of life skill training within curriculum.