A significant aspect of a good social project is to conduct timely and reliable Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) of projects to map its impact.The M&E process gives greater accountability and transparency to a project. It provides information to:
Assist project implementation
Accurateccurate and evidence-based information to further guide decisions of the project.
Contribute towards learning
The information gathered reflects upon experiences and change with the project has brought about.
Celebrate on what has been contributed
It reflects the accomplishments and achievements the project has brought.
Hold accountability and compliance
Review whether the project has followed a defined guidelines and regulations.
Gather beneficiaries’ experience
It largely depend upon experiences and perceptions of the beneficiaries to learn about the project.
The project results should be outlined to show the impact achieved.
Important Points to Keep in Mind
- Data should be accurate
- Have predetermined indicators
- Should follow a defined timeline
- Include all project stakeholders
Monitoring & Evaluation framework
GlobalHunt Foundation works on a strategic M&E framework that adds value-communication to projects